Mahatma Gandhi once said that “It is your health that is your wealth.” I hope that in some level you agree with him. There is a myriad of health routines for you to choose from to keep your physical and mental health in top form. There are several different kinds of...
If you think this blog is about a fashion show, well it is not. Perhaps it has happened to you, it has happened to me quite a bit by the way when you go to a workshop or a presentation the presenter gives you a formula or steps for you to follow them to the letter and...
You always come first Before you get angry at me, before you get outraged and before you think that this is pure selfishness, allow me to explain As you may already know all of us see the world through different lenses in the same way as all of us experience and...
How to be less judgemental? Are you the judge and the jury at the same time? Are you the kind of person who judges others according to your perception of reality? And most importantly, are you constantly judging yourself? If the answer to these questions is yes, then...
What are the benefits of positive thinking? There is no more powerful resource than positive thinking. However, and there is a however for powerful thinking to work there has to be a connection between what you are saying to yourself and what you are really feeling....
The human brain is designed to adapt and learn What have you been teaching to your brain? What do you want your brain to learn? As the human brain is designed to adapt and learn, I’d like you to go back to a time in the past not necessarily a distant past. A time in...