Overcoming Anxiety
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a negative Emotional State. Like any other negative Emotional State, such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Guilt, Hurt, Frustration and so on, we cannot get rid of it. In fact, an Emotional State is part of our own fabric. The good news is that we can learn some ways towards overcoming Anxiety.
Emotions are part of our life.
They are how we express ourselves. Emotions are how we respond to Life.
If all is well with our Physical Self, Emotional Self and Mental Self and if we have the right tools, we can work with our Emotions to achieve our goals.
We all have experienced anxiety from time to time.
At some point in our life, we all have experienced a Negative Emotional State. That is normal. It is part of life. And, it’s NOT a problem.
We have all experienced Anxiety in anticipation, for instance when…
- going for a job interview
- or making the decision to change career,
- waiting for that very important phone call,
- going up a step in the corporate ladder,
- getting married,
- having children,
- going back to work after having children and so on.
It is normal to experience Anxiety in these circumstances.
What they all have in common is that they’re focused on the future.
In fact, Anxiety is an Emotional State related to the Future. We don’t get anxious about the Past or the Present, but about events to come in an hour, a day, a week, a month, or even a year in advance.
When all is well within our Physical Self, Mental Self and Emotional Self, we acknowledge the Anxiety, we get it under control and move on.
Read more about overcoming anxiety in my blogpost …
But when does Anxiety become a problem?
Anxiety becomes a problem when we cannot get it under control. It becomes a problem when it takes over our Physical Self, Emotional Self and Mental Self.
In addition, it becomes a problem when we freeze, when we get stuck, when we cannot take action. And when we cannot take action, we don’t get the results we want.
Anxiety in the workplace: what happens?
According to the Labour Force Survey 2017/2018:
- 15.4 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression and Anxiety.
- 81% of women compared to 67% of men said they had felt stress, depression and anxiety at work.
What are the symptoms of Anxiety?
Anxiety causes different effects, according to the part of ourselves that it strikes harder. In the
- Physical Self, Anxiety can cause
- headaches,
- insomnia,
- stomachache and ulcers.
- In the Emotional Self, it mainly causes lack of confidence. We second guess ourselves, therefore we lose confidence. Also, it creates the feeling of being stuck, unable to take action. Furthermore, it creates Fear, which in extreme cases can develop into Panic Attacks.
- Anxiety in the Mental Self can lead to self-harm and even suicidal thoughts.
How can Hypnotherapy help with overcoming Anxiety?
Hypnotherapy works with the Unconscious Mind. The Unconscious Mind stores all our memories and the emotions connected to each memory.
Here’s how hypnotherapy works for anxiety:
- First of all, we need to find the Root Cause of the Anxiety, in other words the very first event that caused the Anxiety.
- Second, we find the Emotions connected to the Root Cause, which can be Frustration, Sadness, Anger and so on.
- Then by means of Hypnosis or Trance Induction, we can neutralise the Emotions connected to the Root Cause.
- Finally, I’ll teach you Self-Hypnosis. So, you will be able to control the Anxiety.
Self-Hypnosis and the Internal Thermometer
We all have an Internal Thermometer that gauges our Emotions. Only you can control your Internal Thermometer.Self-Hypnosis helps you keep your Internal Thermometer down to zero, and you can use Self-Hypnosis every time you feel that the temperature is going up.
What’s your next step in overcoming anxiety?
The purpose of this 30-minute Free Consultation is …
- for me to explain how we can find the root cause of your anxiety (the first event),
- identify the emotions relating to the root cause,
- and finally how we can neutralise these emotions.
Also, during this free consultation you will have the opportunity to ask me any questions or bring up any doubts you may have. The free consultation will be either over the phone or on Skype.