Anxiety and lack of confidence are attached to each other like a link in a chain.

One does not exist without the other. Each one is the consequence of the other. At the same time, each one is the cause of the other.
When you get anxious, you second guess yourself all the time, and then you lose your confidence.
But there is good news.

When you get rid of one you, automatically get rid of the other.

You may be wondering: “When can I do this?”

Well, how about right now?

Indeed, the right time and the perfect moment are really an illusion.

They will never come. The only the real right time and the real perfect moment is today, right now.

I saw an interview a while back on the BBC with Sinead O’Connor, the Irish singer.

Sinead was talking about her plight with her mental health. She was saying it was very hard to deal with it without help. Also, she said that it is even harder to ask for help.

If this is your case, ask for help.

If you think you are being brave by suffering in silence, you are not.

It takes a lot of courage to admit to yourself that you need help.

And it also takes a lot of courage to ask for help. There are a lot of people out there, including myself, who can help you. Most importantly, they want to help you.

If it is not your case, but perhaps that of someone you know, I ask you to encourage them to take action and ask for help. Please be supportive of them and be with them along the way.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them and to help you control your anxiety and lack of confidence.

Check my plans for overcoming anxiety and contact me for a free 30-minute consultation. Be Brave, Take Action!

Anxiety and lack of confidence
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Anxiety and lack of confidence
Discover in this article why anxiety and lack of confidence are attached to each other like a link in a chain and one does not exist without the other.
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Regina Brancato-Dunderdale
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