How to let go of perfectionism and avoid anxiety

Behind the statements “I’m a perfectionist” and “I have very high standards” there are a negative mindset and fear. Find out how to let go of perfectionism. Today I’d like to talk about two statements we hear quite often: “I’m a perfectionist” and “I have very high...

The importance of words we use with the others & ourselves

Last week we discussed how do we communicate with each other, 55% is through our physiology like (finger to mouth for silence) or (hand beckoning a person to approach). 38% is voice tonality on HOW LOUD or how low I speak. And 7% words. Today, we are focusing on the...

How to visualise your goals of personal transformation

In my previous article, I described how daunting looking inside myself had been for me. It was, though, a crucial part of my process of personal transformation. The changes didn’t come to me like a BANG! No, transformation spoke to me quietly, softly. I didn’t...

Success Mindset: unbury what guided us since our birth

Success Mindset is something I’ve been thinking a lot recently. I was wondering why some of us become very successful and others don’t make it. In fact, all of us, without exception, and regardless of our background, started off the same way. We were born...

The power of thoughts: can you choose what to think?

Thoughts are not random. They don’t just pop up in our minds.  And even if they do, we are the only ones who can control them. Discover how we can use the power of thoughts for our benefit. We are the only ones who can decide what to keep and what to reject. When...