Today I’d like to explain a couple of basic concepts about behaviour, that will help you understand how to change behaviour and attitude.
The first is that behaviour is not inherent, it is learnt.
You were not born behaving a certain way, you learnt how to behave a certain way.
So, if you find yourself thinking
“I was born this way”,
that’s not right.
Primarily, we learned our behaviour from our parents, then from school, the community we live in, our Country, etc.
The second thing to learn about behaviour is that behaviour is directly linked to the environment you are in at any given time.
If you attend a social event, like a wine tasting, you may feel very relaxed and happy. Therefore, you would behave accordingly.
You would have a different behaviour the following day when you attend a business meeting which is more formal.
We all behave according to the environment.
If you feel safe, valued and appreciated then that’s how you’ll behave. You behave happy, you behave valued and you behave appreciated.
On the other hand, if unfortunately, the environment you are in is very stressful, you don’t feel valued or appreciated and you feel anxious all the time, that’s how you behave. You behave anxiously and stressed, not appreciated or valued.
Therefore, when you change your environment, you change your behaviour very quickly.
Since when you change your environment you change your behaviour, then you absolutely cannot be defined by your behaviour.
Your behaviour is not who you really are.
If at this very moment your environment is stressful, anxious, with fear and anger and you behave like that and feel stuck, then let’s have a chat.
Sign up for a free consultation. I can help you with that.
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