How to solve your own problems
Something becomes a problem when you cannot solve it.
It may sound obvious, but it really is not, especially when it comes to solving your own problems.
As you well know it is easier to solve someone else’s problem.
Now here is the thing, it can be as easy to solve your own problem.
It is easier to solve someone’s problem because first, it is not your problem and second, you are not doing the problem; you are not inside the problem; you are outside the problem.
When you are outside the problem when you pay attention to your emotions you feel they are in neutral. So, it’s easier for you to make a suggestion because you are the observer of the problem.
As an observer, you can ask a question such as:
“How is that a problem?”
“What if you do things this way?”
And the questions flow naturally because you are dissociated from the problem; you see it from the outside, making it easier for you to see a solution.
Now the key question is:
Can you do the same with your own problems?
Can you be the observer of your own problems?
The answer to both questions is yes.
It may take a while for you to get used to solving your own problem, but it is extremely satisfying when you get there.
Here’s how you do it.
- Think of a problem, a small problem to begin with.
- Put the problem outside of you and give it a form. If the problem is with a person, see the person in front of you. If the problem is with something for instance a project, put it in front of you, and make sure you have room to walk around it. The moment the problem is outside of you notices what happens to your emotions. That’s right, they become neutral because the problem is not inside anymore and therefore you are able to have an objective view of it.
- View the problem as if you are looking at a painting or a photograph. Walk around it. Take a step back to see the whole picture or move closer to see the details.
- Become the observer of your problem. As your emotions are now in neutral, you are open to see the problem from different perspective, from different points of view.
- As an observer looking at the problem from different angles, ask yourself questions “How can I solve it?” “What if I do it this way?” Or any other questions that will help you solve the problem.
The last step is the most important one: Trust.
Trust in yourself.
Trust in whatever comes into your mind.
Don’t discard anything.
The ideas come from what is buried deep in your Unconscious Mind and now as an observer, you have opened the door for them to come in to your Conscious Mind.
Trust your Unconscious Mind.
This process is a collaboration between your Unconscious Mind and your Conscious Mind, which are working together to solve your problem.
Let’s take action right now.
Do this exercise.
Follow the steps.
Trust in yourself.
Perhaps you need to do it several times until you get used to it.
If you find any resistance to this exercise or if there is a block stopping you from doing it, then let’s have a chat.
Go on my website and sign up form a free consultation.
I’m here to support you and guide you to be the observer.
Please do share this blog with others so they too can learn how to be the observer.