In this article, we discuss how our flexibility to respect others, their point of view and the way they see the world makes us more successful in life.

I was talking to a client the other day about making an appointment and they said:

“Anytime, I’m flexible.”

That got me thinking about the word “Flexibility”.

What does flexibility mean?

It can be in a physical way and that’s probably why you exercise. To have a wider range of movement.

Flexibility at work would probably mean flexible hours. You want flexible hours so you can pursue other things that would normally clash with your normal work hours.

But let’s take the word “Flexibility” in a wider concept. In a world where connectivity is key and where we can connect with people everywhere at any time of the day or night, how flexible are you?
How flexible are you to understand other people’s points of view? Even when their point of view is completely different from yours, how flexible are you to understand that “different” is not necessarily “wrong”?

The keyword for this is “Respect others”.

You should respect other people’s point of view or the way they see the world as much as they should also respect the way you see the world.

Of course, there is still something that I call the “universal wrong”. Violence in any way, shape or form is wrong, full stop.

But if you are flexible, it gives you the clarity to understand that different is not wrong.
It gives you the possibility to agree to disagree, without getting into a massive fight.
The more flexible you are, the more successful you become!

Respect others: flexibility and acceptance
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Respect others: flexibility and acceptance
In this article, we discuss how our flexibility to respect others, their point of view and the way they see the world makes us more successful in life.
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Regina Brancato-Dunderdale
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