The now moment
How powerful do you think the now moment is?
I can tell you right now that it is extremely powerful.
When you feel the need to go back to the past; when you say to yourself that if only you knew or you shouldn’t have done this or that; in other words when you refer too much to the past, to me it is a waste of time and energy.
When you visit the past on a regular basis what you get is at best frustrated, which can then turn into regret and anger.
The same happens when you look too far ahead into the future; when you say to yourself that you don’t know what the future holds. Well, nobody does.
When you look too far ahead into the future what you find there is anxiety.
Power does not exist in the past or in the future.
Power exists in the now moment.
It is in the now moment that you can change things around.
It is in the now moment that you achieve your goals, even if the time that you’ve given yourself to achieve your goals is out in the future.
It is in the now moment that you have clarity and keep an eye on your goals and change whatever needs to be changed.
And it is in the now moment that you have control of everything you do.
It is also in the now moment that you can change the future, because the next now moment is the next day and the decisions you’ve made in any now moment that you are not happy with can be changed when tomorrow becomes the next now.
This is how powerful the now moment is.
It is in the now moment that you take action.
So, let’s take action right now.
If you are looking too much into the past and therefore feeling regret or frustration, bring yourself to the now.
Likewise, if you are looking too far ahead into the future and realise that you are feeling anxious, bring yourself back to the now.
Notice how you feel when you are present in the now moment.
It is in the now moment that you truly live your life.
If in this very now moment you are already feeling frustrated or anxious, let’s have a chat.
Get in touch with me right now.
Go on my website and sign up for a Free Consultation.
I’m here to support you.
Please share this blog with others so they too can thrive in every now moment.