Wanting and Deserving: two different set of emotions

You may not want to have everything, but you deserve to have everything you want. Wanting and deserving trigger different sets of emotions. Sometimes you may not be aware of how different the emotions related to choosing and deserving are because it is unconscious,...

Note to Self

Motivational inspirational words Note to Self: Only use words that motivate, encourage and support you. We all have an internal dialogue and without exception we all have a little voice inside that talks to us, all the time. Here is a question: What does this little...


Catastrophisation When you see things bigger than they are. When you always expect the worse. Here’s how you change this mindset. I’m sure you have experienced seeing your own shadow on the streets or on a wall. When you have a close look at your shadow you notice...


How to nurture self love Self-Love is not just about feeling good about yourself. For example, feeling good when someone pays you a compliment, or when you are given a nice present or even when you give yourself a nice present. Self-Love is much more than that. It...