I went to a meeting last week and one of the ladies paid me a great compliment, which I am very grateful for. She said that I am extremely confident. That I’m an inspiration to her to be confident.
It is wonderful to hear that, but it was not always the case.
So, starting from today, I am going to share with you today a little bit what happened to me.
I will tell you how I finally found a way to change my life.
Hopefully, this will encourage you to take action.
I grew up in a very loving family, but I grew up in fear. I grew up in a dictatorship in Brazil. And I spent all of my childhood and most of my adult life under the dictatorship and with fear.
And what did I do to change my life?
Nothing! I just kept going, because this fear inside is normal.
Then, I was offered an amazing job to go to Angola, West Coast of Africa to work there. Angola at that time was living the last years of the Civil War, a very long civil war. So, that added on to the fear I had brought from Brazil. Angola did change my life, it changed the way I see the world. And I did nothing about my emotions.
Then, I moved on from Angola and ended up in Cornwall, one of the most beautiful places I have ever lived. And there I had a very good job, I had friends and life was good, so I thought.
Until one day, I wasn’t feeling very well, a bit under the weather. I thought I was coming down with a cold. It took me a while to get out of bed, but I had to because I had to work. Then, I asked myself a question:
“why am I doing this?”
And there was nothing. And the realization that I didn’t have an answer as to why I was doing what I was doing made me not scared but empty inside.
I had nothing inside.
And what did I do, again, to change my life? Nothing! I carried on. I carried on working with no inspiration, no enthusiasm, nothing.
I’ve always been a firm believer that we are here in this life to live life in full. Not to just be. Uninspired, unenthusiastic, flat. Anyway, I carried on like this until enough was enough.
I had to do something to change my life.
Despite all my emptiness inside, in that situation, I found an easy way out looking for a solution outside for what was wrong inside of me. Discover how daunting looking inside myself was for me in my next article.
Check my video about this part of my transformation story here: