The Why Me Syndrome

The Why Me Syndrome Do you say to yourself: “I have no choice.” Or “There’s nothing I can do.” Or even: “It’s not my fault.” If the answer is “Yes” to all three questions then you have what I call the “Why Me?” syndrome. The “Why Me” syndrome is a mindset. Whereby...

How to overcome different values and beliefs

How to overcome different values and beliefs  We all experience reality in different ways. We all see the world with different eyes. And consequently, because of that, we all have different beliefs. But, and yes there is a but, can you have a good professional...

What are Emotions for

We all Have emotions. We all feel them at any given moment. But what are emotions for? What’s the purpose of feeling them? Emotions are there so for us to pay attention to them. And the way to do that is to imagine that inside you have a thermometer to measure the...

Fear of taking action: Procrastination

Fear of taking action is the cause of Procrastination. I can hear you right now saying to me that everybody procrastinates. That may be. But if you keep consistently and constantly in a state of procrastination, you stop taking action. You freeze. And when you freeze,...

How to change your daily habits

Today I’d like to give you 3 tips on how to change your daily habits. My aim is to help you get rid of habits that are not good for you or that do not serve you anymore and replace them with habits that give you joy and satisfaction. About a week ago, I was out...