When you focus on the learning process you are in control of the outcome. Discover in this article the benefits of being curious.
We all used to be curious when we were children. However, then, as adults, we may think there is no need or no room for curiosity in our life anymore. Indeed, now we are serious people.
However, curiosity is the most natural way of learning.
When you focus on the learning process, you are in control of the outcome.
It often happens that we are not particularly happy with some things in our life. We need to change. It generally doesn’t have to be a very big change. It can be something very simple.
Imagine if you are sitting in your living room looking at a painting on the wall that’s been in the same place for what seems to be forever. Think:
“I wonder what happens if I change this? If I move this?”
In this case, you are focusing on the learning process.
In fact, if you don’t like the new place you chose for the painting, you can try another place or you can go back to the original place. You may even discover that the painting was good in that place all along.
So, you are in control of the outcome, you are learning new things.
When you are in the mindset of the processing of learning there is absolutely no room for feelings such as failure, fear or anxiety.
You are always learning. Equally, you are teaching your brain to be curious for when some change happens. Also, when an unexpected change occurs, that you were not expecting or that you did not see coming.
Teaching your brain to focus on learning, you ask yourself
“How can I adapt to this change, how can I change my circumstances to adapt to the new change?”
Curiosity is a natural state. Start becoming curious today, by asking me to help you with the things you struggle in life. Ask me for a 30-minutes free consultation and be curious about what happens.