When you wonder how to live life to its full potential, keep in mind that you already have everything you need, inside of you.

When you realise this, you create the life you want and you create your true potential.

You and I, as every human being, have absolutely everything we need inside. We take with us everywhere we go all the memories and all the experiences from the external world.

(Read more: Success Mindset: unbury what guided us since our birth)

So, today I’d like to invite you to to be aware that we create the conditions for our own wellbeing.

Sometimes we say to ourselves:

“I can only be happy if I am in a place like that.”

or we use this in language:

“oh it’s a miserable day, it is raining!”

We need to remember that we are the ones who create the conditions for our own wellbeing. In fact, you know you have no control over nature.

(Read more: How to stop making excuses and start making choices)
Nature does not understand “miserable”. It does not mind our mood, creating weather conditions.

It is us who create sadness, frustration, anxiety and in the worst-case scenario depression inside of us.

That also applies to our goals, when we think about our career.
Since the creation of a goal comes from within, when we are about to take action to achieve our goal, we shouldn’t create external conditions.

If we think:

“I can only achieve my goals if … this person does this … that person does the other and the other person does not interfere”.

then we create inside ourselves frustration, insecurity, lack of confidence, anxiety, and fear.

Even worse, we limit our life experience, our true potential and so we don’t live the life you choose.

Instead, here’s how to live life to its full potential:

Remember that everything you need is inside of you.

Even if you consider a negative experience that you get from outside, when it comes inside, you can change it because you have the control.

When you understand this, what you create for yourself is excitement, joy, happiness, pride, a sense of achievement.
Even better, you live the life you choose to live and you expand your true potential.

Now if reading these words makes you cringe or if you feel a lot of resistance to what I’m saying, then let’s have a chat. Get in touch with me fr a 30-minute free consultation.
And please do share this article with others: the more this article is shared, the more others can potentially benefit from it.

You deserve to live the life you choose and you deserve to live your true potential.

Here’s the video version of this article:

How to live life to its full potential: you already have everything you need
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How to live life to its full potential: you already have everything you need
When you wonder how to live life to its full potential, keep in mind that you already have everything you need, inside of you.
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Regina Hypnotherapy Richmond
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