Are You Too Busy To Improve?

Are you so very busy that you believe you don’t have time to do the things you want? Experts believe that the malaise of this century is Stress. When you believe that you are too busy to take a break during the day or too busy to do the things you want, you create a...

How To Get Rid Of The Empty Feeling Inside

Nature does not like empty spaces. And neither do you. When you feel an emptiness inside, what do you fill it with? When you are out and about in Nature, I’m sure you’ve noticed that there’s always something growing there, there is nothing empty; be it a beautiful...

Do you know what you want?

They say you find everything you want on the other side of Fear! Now I have a question for you: Do you know what you want? One of the exercises I give my clients is to make a list of 5 things they want. And it can be anything they want in any area of their life. It...

How to challenge negative self talk

What kind of conversation do you have with yourself? And when you have this conversation with yourself do the words you use support you or sabotage you? How do you feel when you have the conversation with yourself? We all have an internal dialogue. We all talk to...

Do we always have a choice?

Do we always have a choice? Do you say to yourself: “I don’t have a choice,” Well if you do that is a choice in itself. When you consistently say to yourself “I don’t have a choice,” You go into this mindset of not having a choice. That shrinks your life. It shrinks...