Everything changes in life including your beliefs

Life is constantly changing. I like to think that life is a sequence of changes. If life changes all the time, how about your beliefs? Like everything in life, your beliefs change as well. When you think about beliefs do you know what they mean? Beliefs are everything...

The gap inside

Overcoming emptiness You don’t need to look outside to fill the gap inside. When you go out in nature you may notice there are no empty spaces in fields, parks, or woods. Something always grows in nature, crops, flowers, bushes, grass etc. The reason being nature does...


How do you spend your time?  It is safe to say that when you think about the time you think hours, days, weeks, months and years. You also celebrate time like for instance birthdays, anniversaries, and the coming of a new year. You also spend time in all sorts of...

Is there such a thing as too much or too little?

Find balance in your life To put it simply, the answer to this question is: yes, there is. When you live in the extremes either too much or too little, this will always, and I dare say always have a negative impact in all areas of your life. When you are on the too...

How quickly do you adapt to change?

The quicker you adapt to change, the sooner you move on with your life. A year or so ago, we went through a massive change. A change that we didn’t see coming. A change that we didn’t want. Yes, you’ve guessed it. I’m talking about the pandemic. After you got over the...