Limiting Beliefs

What are limiting beliefs Limiting Beliefs give you doubts. When you have doubts you can’t take action. You get stuck. Let’s start from the beginning. What are beliefs? Beliefs are everything we hold to be true. When you believe in yourself, when you practice...

Stop comparing yourself to others; You are unique

If you have the urge to look too much to the other; If you have the need to compare yourself to the other; If your focus is on the other; Stop it right now. Comparing yourself to others is extremely dangerous. As you may already know and if you don’t consider this as...

Focus on your circumstances

Focus on your circumstances: They are different from everyone else’s Be aware of what’s going on in the world out there but focus on your circumstances because they are different from anyone else’s. As you may know, we all experience reality in different ways; we all...

My Interview on Brooklands Radio

I recently had the pleasure to be interviewed on Brooklands Radio. Here’s how they introduced me: Today’s interview is with Regina Brancato-Dunderdale who grew up in São Paulo, Brazil where she experienced some difficult situations. She now takes female...

Believe in Hope

Hope gives you strength to believe in yourself! Hope and Self-Belief give you strength to be invincible When you go to the dictionary to look up the definition of hope you will find that hope is the belief that whatever is desired can be had and all will turn out for...