How to develop adaptability and flexibility

Add adaptability for rapid changes and Flexibility to allow room to manoeuvre for in the end you will achieve all your goals! This is the time of the year that most of us or if not at least some of us are thinking and talking about setting goals. Some of you may...

How is your listening?

How is your listening? The way you listen to others has a massive impact on how you communicate and relate with them. Listening is not just about paying attention to the message. Listening is not just about giving an opinion or being right or wrong. If you want to...

Community: For what purpose?

As you may know as human beings, we were not born to be isolated. We were born to be part of a community. Community gives you a sense of belonging and inclusion. But at the same being part of a community is much more than that, it’s much more than belonging and...

Success: What does it take to achieve it?

What does it take to achieve success, whatever success means to you? Is it knowledgeability, skills? Is it consistence and persistence? Or is it something else? I’m fascinated by the term success and to be successful so much so that I’ve asked a few people between my...

Isolation or Connection; Which one to choose?

Instead of Isolation always choose Connection; at any given time in your life always choose to be connected; whatever you are going through right now be connected. Humans beings were not born to be isolated. We were born to connect and be connected. It is through...