Why is it important to have patience

Today we will focus on one of the most important skills to have if it doesn’t come naturally to you: Patience. I know that very well because I had to learn it. Patience was definitely not natural for me. I learnt it the hard way because I didn’t see the point of being...

The three steps to build trust

I was watching a video this morning on marketing strategies and the focus was on trust. When you launch a new product, there are three steps to build trust. First, you borrow trust, Then you build trust. Finally, you’ll have trust. There is a time frame in...

Celebrate achievements, be them big or small

It’s extremely important to celebrate achievements, be them big or small. There are two reasons why you should always do it. First, probably, even as a child, you had to do something to get the present that you wanted. For you to get that present there could have been...

How to overcome self sabotage and flip the coin to support

When we play a game of flip the coin, we need to pick a side. We can either have one side or the other but we cannot have both sides at the same time. The same happens with our internal dialogue. Our internal conversation either supports us or sabotages us. We have to...

What is the meaning of empowerment

For a while now I’ve been hearing the expressions empowering, empowered, being empowered, especially when related to women. So, I started wondering about myself and when and how I feel or I am empowered. Or when I know I am empowered. What is the meaning of...