How to control your mind and emotions

Last week, I read an article by an HR person, who said that when they are looking to hire someone, besides of course their skills and abilities to perform the job, what they also look for is for them to have the ability to control their emotional state. I found it...

Comparing yourself to others is not wise

Comparing yourself to others is not wise. Even though the human brain was designed to adapt and learn, we all do it in completely different ways. To add on to that, we have different values. What is important to us may not be important to other people. We have...

How to trust your intuition

In this article, I will share some examples and tips on how to trust your intuition, finding the balance between intuition and logical thinking. In my previous article about the “grass is greener syndrome”, I suggested that if you change your perspective...

How to get rid of the “grass is greener syndrome”

Discover how to get rid of the “grass is greener syndrome”, keep anxiety and fear of missing out at bay, by changing your perspective and your perception. One of the things that I love to learn is expressions, in any language. I think they are funny and...

Now, if you struggle with accepting the difference and you tend to be controlling, then let’s have a chat.
Please, go to my website and sign up for a free consultation. Also, please share this video so that others who may need it can benefit from it.

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