Wanting and Deserving: two different set of emotions

You may not want to have everything, but you deserve to have everything you want. Wanting and deserving trigger different sets of emotions. Sometimes you may not be aware of how different the emotions related to choosing and deserving are because it is unconscious,...

Believe in Hope

Hope gives you strength to believe in yourself! Hope and Self-Belief give you strength to be invincible When you go to the dictionary to look up the definition of hope you will find that hope is the belief that whatever is desired can be had and all will turn out for...

How is your listening?

How is your listening? The way you listen to others has a massive impact on how you communicate and relate with them. Listening is not just about paying attention to the message. Listening is not just about giving an opinion or being right or wrong. If you want to...

Problems are dangerous, get rid of them

Ignoring a problem is extremely dangerous because first it won’t make the problem disappear and second you can get used to the problem so much so that you stop having the problem and start doing it. You do a problem when you develop behavioural patterns related to the...

Ignoring a problem

What do you do with a problem: bury it in the sand or solve it? What do you do when you have a problem? Do you bury it in the sand? And if you do so, what happens then? Let’s say you have a problem; any problem, and you naturally feel uncomfortable and perhaps a...