Negative thoughts

Do negative thoughts attract negativity in your life? This is a question that I’m asked quite regularly and the answer is not necessarily. Sometimes life happens in a way that you are not expecting and consequently, you might not get the results you want and because...

Emotions, for what purpose!

Emotions are part of who we are, they are part of our very fabric. Emotions are what makes us humans. The purpose of this blog is not to get into a philosophical discussion on emotions. On the contrary, this blog is about what some of you think about emotions. Let me...

On being judgemental

How to be less judgemental? Are you the judge and the jury at the same time? Are you the kind of person who judges others according to your perception of reality? And most importantly, are you constantly judging yourself? If the answer to these questions is yes, then...

Let go of control to have control

Letting go of the need to control Let’s say you plan your day and let’s say you make a list of the things you need to do during that day. Let’s also say that you tick the items on the said list when they are done. That’s totally fine. However, let’s say that you feel...

How to keep your mental health healthy

You know very well how to keep your body healthy. You may have a routine set up and perhaps you may even have habits to keep your body in shipshape; perhaps you exercise regularly, you eat healthy foods and you drink plenty of water. Now, I wonder if you do the same...

Things that are right for you, things that are not

Have you ever bought something that you loved and you still wear it or use it all the time? Have you ever bought something that was a mistake so much so that you had to return it or give it away? I guess the answer is yes to both questions. I know that because I’ve...