Mistakes are not mistakes

Being positive about mistakes What is your opinion on making mistakes? Do you beat yourself up every time you make a mistake, or do you see it as a different way of learning? Nobody likes to make mistakes. I certainly don’t. I get annoyed and frustrated when I make a...


How to stop seeking validation from others Seeking validation or approval to do anything in all areas of your life is a recipe for disaster. And here is why: First, as you may already know the human brain is designed to adapt and learn, but it does so in different...

My Interview on Brooklands Radio

I recently had the pleasure to be interviewed on Brooklands Radio. Here’s how they introduced me: Today’s interview is with Regina Brancato-Dunderdale who grew up in São Paulo, Brazil where she experienced some difficult situations. She now takes female...

How to develop adaptability and flexibility

Add adaptability for rapid changes and Flexibility to allow room to manoeuvre for in the end you will achieve all your goals! This is the time of the year that most of us or if not at least some of us are thinking and talking about setting goals. Some of you may...

Community: For what purpose?

As you may know as human beings, we were not born to be isolated. We were born to be part of a community. Community gives you a sense of belonging and inclusion. But at the same being part of a community is much more than that, it’s much more than belonging and...

Change is the law of nature: Resisting to Change is resisting to Life

Change is the law of nature. Change is as natural as Life. When change happens by choice we see it as an opportunity. When change hits us unexpectedly we can also see it as an opportunity to improve what needs improvement and change what needs to change. Resisting to...