Goal setting tips: Do’s and Do Not’s

So many people share their goal setting tips as every new year begins. However, what I have to say today comes from a different perspective. I want to suggest you the “Do”s and the “Don’t”s when setting your goals. Let’s start with the don’ts. The first “Don’t” is:...

How gratitude changes you and your brain

Gratitude is the most important feeling to have for yourself and others. Gratitude is acknowledgement: As human beings, we thrive the most when we are acknowledged by our achievements, by our service, by our help and support. Hence the importance of practising...

How to deal with Christmas stress

It’s Christmas time. They say it’s time to be jolly, or perhaps it’s time to be overwhelmed. So, today I’d like to give you a practical exercise to learn how to deal with Christmas stress. You may feel overwhelmed a little bit by all that is going on and everything...

I am not good enough – why do you feel this?

Whatever it is that you do, there is a reason for it. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even get out of bed. This reason can be from the most basic to the most complex. There’s a reason why you… cook go to school work go shopping. There are even reasons why we don’t...

The Benefits of Being Curious

When you focus on the learning process you are in control of the outcome. Discover in this article the benefits of being curious. We all used to be curious when we were children. However, then, as adults, we may think there is no need or no room for curiosity in our...