What is forgiveness and why is it important

Forgiveness is your ability when you feel ready to let go. Let me be a little more specific. Forgiveness is not about forgetting. You will always have the memory of an unfortunate traumatic event. You cannot forget it unless there are serious neurological problems....

Advantages of goal setting in business and life

In my previous article, we’ve discussed the similarities between goal setting in sport and in life. Today, we are going to find out what are the main advantages of goal setting in business and life. First of all, goals keep your mind focused. Because, like a...

Goal setting in sport and in life

A few years ago, during my training, they told me: Today you will set your goals The minute I heard the word “goal”, being Brazilian, I saw a football match! Actually, during the exercise, while I was setting my goals, I kept seeing a football match. So, instead of...

How to relax your mind and why you need it

Recently, several companies have been encouraging their staff to have their lunch breaks away from their desk and, not to take their phone with them. I must be honest: I am glued to my phone, like I guess most of you, especially if your business, like mine, depends on...

How you talk to yourself matters

One of my previous articles was on the importance of the words that we use with the others and with ourselves. At the end of it, I promised I would explain how to change the language you use to yourself. Here we go! How you talk to yourself matters and today I will...