Emotional and Physical Pain

Physical and emotional pain have one thing in common: Pain. How good and how quick are you to control your emotional pain? In my opinion, it’s safe to say that most of us are pretty quick to pay attention to and control our physical pain. When you are feeling under...

Speak your Mind with words from your Heart

Speak your Mind with words from your Heart Speak your Mind but choose words from you Heart. Why should you do that? Here’s why. Our brain was designed to adapt and learn, but we do so in different ways. When we receive information from the world out there, we...

Positive Thinking: What’s all the fuss about it?

How to change from negative to positive thinking The fuss about Positive Thinking is that maybe there’s a misunderstanding as to what it really means. Positive Thinking or Positive Mindset is not about ignoring all that is negative or bad or wrong that happens either...

Are You Too Busy To Improve?

Are you so very busy that you believe you don’t have time to do the things you want? Experts believe that the malaise of this century is Stress. When you believe that you are too busy to take a break during the day or too busy to do the things you want, you create a...

Do we always have a choice?

Do we always have a choice? Do you say to yourself: “I don’t have a choice,” Well if you do that is a choice in itself. When you consistently say to yourself “I don’t have a choice,” You go into this mindset of not having a choice. That shrinks your life. It shrinks...

How to overcome different values and beliefs

How to overcome different values and beliefs  We all experience reality in different ways. We all see the world with different eyes. And consequently, because of that, we all have different beliefs. But, and yes there is a but, can you have a good professional...