How to implement a strategy successfully

Recently, several people asked me about my strategy. They wanted to know about my business strategy, marketing, social media and branding strategy. This inspired me to write this article on how to implement a strategy successfully. A strategy is simply how we do...

How to control your mind and emotions

Last week, I read an article by an HR person, who said that when they are looking to hire someone, besides of course their skills and abilities to perform the job, what they also look for is for them to have the ability to control their emotional state. I found it...

How to let go of perfectionism and avoid anxiety

Behind the statements “I’m a perfectionist” and “I have very high standards” there are a negative mindset and fear. Find out how to let go of perfectionism. Today I’d like to talk about two statements we hear quite often: “I’m a perfectionist” and “I have very high...

How to relax your mind and why you need it

Recently, several companies have been encouraging their staff to have their lunch breaks away from their desk and, not to take their phone with them. I must be honest: I am glued to my phone, like I guess most of you, especially if your business, like mine, depends on...

Anxiety and lack of confidence

Anxiety and lack of confidence are attached to each other like a link in a chain. One does not exist without the other. Each one is the consequence of the other. At the same time, each one is the cause of the other. When you get anxious, you second guess yourself all...

How to control fear- Why do we feel it?

Many customers of mine ask me “How to control fear”. Fear is something we all experience from time to time in life. In fact, Fear is a natural emotional state. Since it is a natural emotional state, we cannot get rid of it. (Read more: How to stop...