I am not good enough – why do you feel this?

Whatever it is that you do, there is a reason for it. Otherwise, we wouldn’t even get out of bed. This reason can be from the most basic to the most complex. There’s a reason why you… cook go to school work go shopping. There are even reasons why we don’t...

Comparing yourself to others is not wise

Comparing yourself to others is not wise. Even though the human brain was designed to adapt and learn, we all do it in completely different ways. To add on to that, we have different values. What is important to us may not be important to other people. We have...

What makes us unique

A recent big family reunion prompted me to think about what makes us unique. Although we are all family, some of us are sometimes surprised to see how different we are. Even though everyone had roughly the same background, upbringing and mother tongue, we can be...

How you talk to yourself matters

One of my previous articles was on the importance of the words that we use with the others and with ourselves. At the end of it, I promised I would explain how to change the language you use to yourself. Here we go! How you talk to yourself matters and today I will...

The importance of words we use with the others & ourselves

Last week we discussed how do we communicate with each other, 55% is through our physiology like (finger to mouth for silence) or (hand beckoning a person to approach). 38% is voice tonality on HOW LOUD or how low I speak. And 7% words. Today, we are focusing on the...

How do we communicate with each other

Communication is extremely important because it affects all areas of our lives. One of the presuppositions of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is that the responsibility for communication lies with the person doing the communication. In other words, if you have a...