Fear of change: out of your comfort zone

In the last articles, we’ve discussed how we can control fear and some of the fears that are a problem: fear of public speaking and fear of taking action, or procrastination. Today, I’d like to focus on another important fear that is a problem: our fear of...

How to stop procrastinating: our fear of taking action

After considering how to control fear, and analysing the first type of Fear that becomes a problem, the fear of public speaking, today I’d like to talk to you about the fear of taking action. We will try to find out how to stop procrastinating. Perhaps now you’re...

Fear of Public Speaking. Does it hinder your success?

Last week, we discussed how to get rid of fear and why do we feel it. So, today I’d like to talk to you about a fear that is a problem. It may not be the number one fear but it’s pretty much up there. It’s fear of Public Speaking. What is interesting about Fear of...