Every negative experience has positive learnings.

Learning from negative experiences It may sound impossible, but it is not. All you need to do is to shift your focus to positive learning instead of focussing only on the negative that you had experienced. The only way of shifting your focus is by revisiting the...


The importance of memory  Memories are like a photo album. What is a photo album for? We take pictures because we want to capture and perpetuate a moment in time. A moment in time that makes us happy and that we are proud of. We take pictures of birthdays, weddings,...

What to do to keep yourself motivated when you feel stuck

About two weeks ago at a networking meeting, I was asked what I did to keep motivated particularly when I felt stuck. To my surprise, I didn’t answer right away, I had to think about it. You see, it’s very easy to keep yourself motivated when things happen the way you...

I can or I can’t: it’s a choice

How to become whole within yourself Have you ever said to yourself “a part of me says I can do it, but a part of me says I cannot.” Does that sound familiar? As human beings, we are at our best self when we are whole when we don’t create a part inside. Parts are...

Mistakes are not mistakes

Being positive about mistakes What is your opinion on making mistakes? Do you beat yourself up every time you make a mistake, or do you see it as a different way of learning? Nobody likes to make mistakes. I certainly don’t. I get annoyed and frustrated when I make a...