Advantages of goal setting in business and life

In my previous article, we’ve discussed the similarities between goal setting in sport and in life. Today, we are going to find out what are the main advantages of goal setting in business and life. First of all, goals keep your mind focused. Because, like a...

Goal setting in sport and in life

A few years ago, during my training, they told me: Today you will set your goals The minute I heard the word “goal”, being Brazilian, I saw a football match! Actually, during the exercise, while I was setting my goals, I kept seeing a football match. So, instead of...

Changes in Menopause – in flow with Life

Changes in menopause are natural. Change, in general, is a natural part of Life. Everything changes, all the time. Nature changes, the seasons change, the weather changes, sometimes, depending on where you live, it changes several times a day. Human Beings change;...

5 Tips for Better Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, then here are 5 Tips for better sleep. Remember, we need to reprogram the brain to understand that when you go to your bedroom you want to sleep. This is the two “S” rule, bedrooms are for the two S’s alone. The first “S” is Sleep and the...

How to visualise your goals of personal transformation

In my previous article, I described how daunting looking inside myself had been for me. It was, though, a crucial part of my process of personal transformation. The changes didn’t come to me like a BANG! No, transformation spoke to me quietly, softly. I didn’t...

Looking inside myself: a daunting experience

Last week I started telling about what I did to change my life to live life in full when I was feeling uninspired and flat. In that situation, I found an easy way out looking for a solution outside for what was wrong inside of me. Instead of looking inside myself, I...