The gap inside

Overcoming emptiness You don’t need to look outside to fill the gap inside. When you go out in nature you may notice there are no empty spaces in fields, parks, or woods. Something always grows in nature, crops, flowers, bushes, grass etc. The reason being nature does...

What to do when you are feeling down!

Feeling down Four tips on how to feel good again Before I give you the tips, I’d like you to be aware of two facts. First, one of the functions of the Unconscious Mind is to keep all our memories. The Unconscious Mind is like a database of all our memories, whatever...

Negative Emotions, Feel them and then let them go

Feeling negative emotions Emotions, negative or positive come in waves. They come to our awareness and then in time they go back to neutrality. For example, something good happens to you and you feel extremely excited about it. Then, after a while the excitement goes...


Catastrophisation When you see things bigger than they are. When you always expect the worse. Here’s how you change this mindset. I’m sure you have experienced seeing your own shadow on the streets or on a wall. When you have a close look at your shadow you notice...

Isolation or Connection; Which one to choose?

Instead of Isolation always choose Connection; at any given time in your life always choose to be connected; whatever you are going through right now be connected. Humans beings were not born to be isolated. We were born to connect and be connected. It is through...