Lost and found

Sometimes you need to lose yourself in order to find yourself. This may very much sound like a contradiction but it is not. More often than not, some of you get so hung up in paying attention to every single, minor detail; some of you get so hung up in being perfect...


Mindset supports you, encourages you and empowers you to do everything you want. Mindset affects all areas of your life. Mindset is not about denying negative thoughts, it is not pretending that you don’t have any negative thoughts. Mindset is not about not feeling...

The power and weakness of words

Words have power. Words have weakness. Words have power and weakness because they carry with them an emotional meaning The emotional meaning that words carry is much more important than any other meaning that any word can have. Words are weak when they trigger any...


We all have them. They are the things you do without thinking. Sometimes you are not even aware of your own habits. Consequently, you are not aware whether your habits are true to what’s happening in your life in any now moment or whether they have become outdated;...

The power of now

The now moment How powerful do you think the now moment is? I can tell you right now that it is extremely powerful. When you feel the need to go back to the past; when you say to yourself that if only you knew or you shouldn’t have done this or that; in other words...


It is safe to say that all of us like to listen to stories; perhaps some of you are excellent storytellers. I love to hear, to watch or to read a good story. It doesn’t matter to me whether they are facts or fiction. My all-time favourite stories are fairy tales; I...