Stop comparing yourself to others; You are unique

If you have the urge to look too much to the other; If you have the need to compare yourself to the other; If your focus is on the other; Stop it right now. Comparing yourself to others is extremely dangerous. As you may already know and if you don’t consider this as...

Focus on your circumstances

Focus on your circumstances: They are different from everyone else’s Be aware of what’s going on in the world out there but focus on your circumstances because they are different from anyone else’s. As you may know, we all experience reality in different ways; we all...

Success: What does it take to achieve it?

What does it take to achieve success, whatever success means to you? Is it knowledgeability, skills? Is it consistence and persistence? Or is it something else? I’m fascinated by the term success and to be successful so much so that I’ve asked a few people between my...

Celebrate your uniqueness

Celebrate your Uniqueness We all experience reality in different ways. That makes us unique. We all receive information from the external world but the moment this information hit our mind we understand it and see it from a different perspective. Therefore, when we...

What to say when you speak to yourself

What you say to others should have the same attention as what you say to yourself I bet you are very careful about what you say to others but how careful are you to what you say to yourself? Communication is key and perhaps when you communicate with others be it in...

How to challenge negative self talk

What kind of conversation do you have with yourself? And when you have this conversation with yourself do the words you use support you or sabotage you? How do you feel when you have the conversation with yourself? We all have an internal dialogue. We all talk to...